The Men of Company B
The men of Co. B were all volunteers from Pickens District, South Carolina. Most of them were descended from hardy pioneer stock who settled the foothills of upstate South Carolina, many settling in the area while it was still Indian country. Most of these men were in their 40s and 50s, many of them had sons in regular Confederate service.
Some of these men show up on the rosters of reserve units before joining Co. B. Many of them joined regular infantry or cavalry units after Co. B. was disbanded in February 1864. They all lived during trying times but they left us a legacy of courage and conviction and they are all part of our heritage.
While much research has been done on regular CSA units little has been expended on the State Troops. We are attempting to change this lack of attention by focusing on the valiant men of Company B.
Co. B ~ Pickens District
Co. B. was organized as an Infantry unit for six months duration in August of 1863. The unit was comprised of volunteers from upstate Pickens (formerly Pendleton) District, South Carolina. The state troops, militia and reserve units were usually self equipped and unpaid. These independent units provided valuable second line support for regular Confederate troops but they typically stayed within the borders of the state and did not participate in the major battles.
Updated 27 March, 2010
To educate the current generation about our heritage and to help you establish a link between yourself and history.
To encourage research of the lesser known units from the "late great unpleasantness."
To identify each man of Co. B. by name, birth and death dates and, if married, their
spouse or spouses. This basic information will give the researcher a jump-start in exploring his
or her family history. To locate the burial places of each man of Co. B and mark them as Confederate soliders
so their contributions to our heritage will not be lost to future generations.